Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trek: "I dont know if we'll have enough time"

Trek location: Teatown Lake Reservation
Trek duration: 1/2 hour
Trek difficulty: Easy
Trail Map: http://www.teatown.org/vi/hiking_map.htm

People will always say they don't have enough time to trek.  Weekends are too filled with obligations, and you get home too late from work.  Well that is a load of BS...especially this time of year when our days just got longer.   Humans are great at making excuses allowing them to be lazy.  If that's not the saddest step in evolution, I don't know what is.

With some extra daytime and little motivation, I suggest you seek out your local lake.  I can't think of many towns that don't have some body of water to walk around.  Central Park in Manahttan, Alley Pond Park in Queens, Kensico Dam in Lower Westchester, Teatown lake in Northern Westchester, etc etc.

Teatown is truly an amazing place and one of my favorites.  Teatown is a nature preserve in Northern Westchester that is independently operated and run with private donations.  It has numerous hiking trails and a variety of outdoor programs for adults and children. 

When I am strapped for time and just need to quench my outdoor thirst I will head out to the Lakeside Trail at Teatown.  The trail is 1.5 miles long, but its perfect for a good half hour walk.  Just set out in either direction and when you hit 15 minutes turn around and head back.  There is a long floating bridge on the southwest corner.  It's a great place to take a moment and take the size of the lake and its surroundings in.  As you move east over the bridge you can take the .2 mile Overlook Trail branch.  There is a nice bench to sit at when you reach the top to take a breather, or have a snack while getting a higher view of the lake.  I know its spring but the only pictures I currently have are from the winter.

You can see the lake is totally frozen over.  Normally during the winter you will find actual ice hockey games being played.  Originally being from the city, I cant tell you how amazed I was to see that.  Going to the ice skating rink as a kid was always exciting, but playing ice hockey on a frozen lake...that's a jaw dropping moment to a city kid.

Teatown is enjoyable during any season.  With Spring in full swing do your self a favor and stop making excuses.  If you check out Teatown explore some of the other trails and prepare for more detailed posts about them in the future.   More importantly....find yourself a lake, take a stroll, and enjoy the weather.

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